TRIJIT - Backup & Storage
Reduce Cost & Complexity by Backing up to the TRIJIT CLOUD
Trijit delivers backup, storage, sync, access and simpler administration for businesses of all sizes. TRIJIT introduces cloud storage and backup solution from its highly reliable and scalable datacenter in India. Our cloud servers are highly secured to give you complete data protection for your growing business and also delivers service with affordable pricing, since you just have to pay only for what you use. Trijit web services are backed with Legendary support which includes 24/7 live phone, chat, email support.

When you get the cloud backup and storage solution from TRIJIT, we assure you the high security and protection for your privacy data. Hence, you will stay protected with your privacy data. Through our cloud backup and storage solution you can sync all data with your private accessible device like desktop or laptop. Trijit cloud storage and backup solutions can be accessible through web, mobile devices and also with the offline devices when it get synced with your private accessible devices.
"TRIJIT was founded in 2009 and headquartered in Bangalore, India. Now TRIJIT, deliver's over millions of customers for all their IT needs by delivering best-fit infrastructure solutions with never compromising on quality."
Trijit delivers Online Data Backup and Storage Services from its India Datacenter which include certain features as stated below:
- Access, Sync and share your file and folders with your private devices
- Powerful search is introduces which now make easy for you to search your required file or folder
- Excellent user interface is driven for your cloud backup and storage solution from TRIJIT
- User documentation is provided for your knowledge base
- Can store files, contacts, calendars, photos, video, tasks and more
- Document viewer, photo gallery viewer, video viewer and more is enabled for your comfortability
- With Dedicated Storage solution you get LDAP / Active Directory feature is enabled
Dedicated team TRIJIT always works hard to keep your business online forever and helps in driving your business just like as you need it too. TRIJIT team works round the clock for its client's to deliver peace of mind services, which in-turn helps in boosting your business by saving time and money in this business demandable world.
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